Sorting tables in visualforce Pages.
A List of records returned by select query
can be sorted using order by clause. The field with which the resulting
list be sorted should be specified after the order by clause.
We can specify whether we want a ascending
sorting or a descending sorting. If the ascending or descending is not
specified then the query sorts in ascending order of the specified
For ascending just use the keyword "'ASC" and for descending use the keyword "DESC"
1. List<Contact> conList = [select id,name,email from contact order by name desc];
For ascending just use the keyword "'ASC" and for descending use the keyword "DESC"
1. List<Contact> conList = [select id,name,email from contact order by name desc];
2. List<account> accList = [Select id,name,accountnumber from account order by name asc] is same as below
3.List<account> accList = [Select id,name,accountnumber from account order by name]
Here's an example that sorts a table showing 100 account records. Button sorts the table depending on the field selected for sorting
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller="sortDemoController">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:panelgrid columns="2">
<apex:selectList value="{!selectedField }" size="1">
<apex:selectOption itemValue="Name" itemLabel="Account Name"/>
<apex:selectOption itemValue="AccountNumber" itemLabel="Account Number"/>
<apex:selectOption itemValue="Annualrevenue" itemLabel="Annual Revenue"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Sort Table" action="{!sortMethod}" reRender="pgblcktbl"/>
<apex:pageBlock id="pgblcktbl">
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!accList}" var="rec" >
<apex:column value="{!}"/>
<apex:column value="{!rec.annualrevenue}"/>
<apex:column value="{!rec.accountnumber}"/>
Controller Class:
Public with sharing class sortDemoController {
Public List<account> accList{get;set;}
Public string selectedField {get;set;}
Public sortDemoController(){
accList = [select name,accountnumber,annualrevenue from account limit 100];
Public void sortMethod(){
if(selectedField == 'Name')
accList = [select name,accountnumber,annualrevenue from account where id IN:accList order by Name limit 100 ];
else if(selectedField == 'AccountNumber')
accList = [select name,accountnumber,annualrevenue from account where id IN:accList order by AccountNumber limit 100 ];
else if(selectedField == 'Annualrevenue')
accList = [select name,accountnumber,annualrevenue from account where id IN:accList order by Annualrevenue desc limit 100 ];
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