What is Exception handling in Apex?
Exceptions note errors and other events that disrupt the normal flow of code execution. throw statements can be used to generate exceptions, while try, catch, and finally can be used to gracefully recover from an exception.
an exception occurs, code execution halts and any DML operations that were
processed prior to the exception are rolled back and aren’t committed to the
database. Exceptions get logged in debug logs. For unhandled exceptions, that
is, exceptions that the code doesn’t catch, Salesforce sends an email to the
developer with the organization ID and user ID of the running user, as well as
the exception message.
you run into an exception that occurred in Apex code while using the standard
user interface, an error message appears on the page showing you the text of
the unhandled exception as shown below:
Throw Statements
A throw statement allows you to
signal that an error has occurred. To throw an exception, use the throw
statement and provide it with an exception object to provide information about
the specific error. For example:
throw exceptionObject;
Try, Catch, and Finally
Apex uses try, catch and
finally statements to handle exceptions. Here is an example of what these
statements look like and the order in which they should be written.
try {
// Perform some database
operations that
// might cause an exception.
} catch(DmlException e) {
// DmlException handling code
} catch(Exception e) {
// Generic exception handling
code here.
} finally {
// Perform some clean up.
The try statement
identifies a block of code in which an exception can occur. If you have code
that you think could generate an exception, wrap this section of your code in a
try block, and add a catch block after it. Only exceptions thrown from the code
wrapped in the try block are handled by the catch block.
The catch statement
identifies a block of code that handles a particular type of exception. In the
previous example, notice that there are two catch statements. You can have as
many catch statements as you like, one for each exception type you want to
The finally statement
is optional and gets executed after the catch block executes. Code in the
finally block always executes regardless of the type of exception that was
thrown and handled. You can add any final clean-up code here.
Built-In Exceptions
Apex provides a number of
exception types that the runtime engine throws if errors are encountered during
DmlException :-Any problem with a DML statement, such as an
insert statement missing a required field on a record.
ListException :- Any problem with a list, such as attempting to
access an index that is out of bounds.Try out some code that does some things
on purpose to cause this exception to be thrown. Execute the following:
try {
List<Integer> li = new
// This list contains only
one element,
// but we're attempting to
access the second element
// from this zero-based list.
Integer i1 = li[0];
Integer i2 = li[1]; // Causes
a ListException
} catch(ListException le) {
System.debug('The following
exception has occurred: ' + le.getMessage());
In the previous code snippet,
we create a list and add one element to it. Then, we attempt to access two
elements, one at index 0, which exists, and one at index 1, which causes a
ListException because no element exists at this index. This exception is caught
in the catch block. The System.debug statement in the catch block writes the
following to the debug log: The following exception has occurred: List index
out of bounds: 1.
NullPointerException:- Any problem with dereferencing a null variable.
Try out some code that does
some things on purpose to cause this exception to be thrown. Execute the
try {
String s;
Boolean b = s.contains('abc');
// Causes a NullPointerException
} catch(NullPointerException
npe) {
System.debug('The following
exception has occurred: ' + npe.getMessage());
we create a String variable
named s but we don’t initialize it to a value, hence, it is null. Calling
the contains method on our
null variable causes a NullPointerException. The exception is caught in our
catch block and this is what is written to the debug log: The following
exception has occurred: Attempt to de-reference a null object.
QueryException :-Any problem with SOQL queries, such as
assigning a query that returns no records or more than one record to a
singleton sObject variable.
SObjectException :-Any problem with sObject records, such as
attempting to change a field in an update statement that can only be changed
during insert.
try {
Merchandise__c m = [SELECT Name
FROM Merchandise__c LIMIT 1];
// Causes an SObjectException
because we didn't retrieve
// the Total_Inventory__c field.
Double inventory =
} catch(SObjectException se) {
System.debug('The following
exception has occurred: ' + se.getMessage());
Exception Methods
Some exception types, such as
DmlException, have specific exception methods that apply to only them:
getDmlFieldNames(Index of the failed record): Returns the names
of the fields that caused the error for the specified failed record.
getDmlId(Index of the failed record): Returns the ID of
the failed record that caused the error for the specified failed record
getDmlMessage(Index of the failed record): Returns the error
message for the specified failed record
getNumDml: Returns the number of failed records.
Merchandise__c m1 = new
// Missing the Price and
Total_Inventory fields
Merchandise__c m2 = new
Name='Coffeemaker B',
// Missing all required
Merchandise__c m3 = new
Merchandise__c[] mList = new
try {
insert mList;
} catch (DmlException de) {
Integer numErrors =
System.debug('getNumDml=' +
i=0;i<numErrors;i++) {
+ de.getDmlFieldNames(i));
+ de.getDmlMessage(i));
Creating Custom Exceptions
Since you can’t throw built-in
Apex exceptions but can only catch them, you can create custom exceptions to
throw in your methods. That way, you can also specify detailed error messages
and have more custom error handling in your catch blocks. To create your custom
exception class, extend the built-in Exception class and make sure your class
name ends with the word Exception. Append extends Exception after your class
declaration as follows.
public class MyException
extends Exception {}
Public class ContactException extends
public class ContactUtility {
static void mainProcessing() {
catch(ContactException me) {
' + me.getMessage());
' + me.getCause());
number: ' + me.getLineNumber());
trace: ' + me.getStackTraceString());
static void insertContact() {
Insert Contact without required fields
m = new Contact();
catch(DmlException e) {
Something happened that prevents the insertion
of Contact objects, so throw a more
specific exception.
new ContactException(
could not be inserted.', e);
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LOSYCO ist ein kompetentes,Handling spezialisiertes Unternehmen im Bereich der Produktions-Logistik. Konzipiert und realisiert werden Lean-Produktions-Systeme aus einer Hand.
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LOSYCO ist ein kompetentes, Handling spezialisiertes Unternehmen im Bereich der Produktions-Logistik. Konzipiert und realisiert werden Lean-Produktions-Systeme aus einer Hand.
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LOSYCO ist ein kompetentes, Handling spezialisiertes Unternehmen im Bereich der Produktions-Logistik. Konzipiert und realisiert werden Lean-Produktions-Systeme aus einer Hand.
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This is very helpful
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